July 24 - 27 Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) BUY TICKETS Bacon Buddies Mentor Registration Name(Required) First Last PhoneEmail(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Address Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code CountyAgeGradeSchoolGenderSelect...MaleFemaleT-Shirt Child SizeSelect...SMLXLT-Shirt Adult SizeSelect...SMLXLXXLParent/Legal Guardian NameDo you have experience exhibiting swine?Select...YesNoEmergency ContactEmergency PhoneLivestock Exhibitor AgreementPlease read carefully, then check the box for each. I will assist and support my participant to make their showing experience the best it can be. I will be respectful, kind, and courteous to all participants, exhibitors, and volunteers. I will be at the Showring by 12:15 p.m. and stay until the conclusion of the Bacon Buddies event. I will wear the appropriate show ring attire including my Bacon Buddies T-shirt. I will be of good spirit, enthusiastic, and have a kind attitude towards all exhibitors, mentors and volunteers. I will demonstrate high morals and integrity both in and out of the showring. I agree to images of me to be utilized in promotional materials. I agree to the conditions of this agreement, including requirements of my time. I understand that I can be dismissed at any time by the Bacon Buddies committee. Livestock Exhibitor SignatureParent / Guardian AgreementPlease read carefully, then check the box. I, the parent/guardian of the above Livestock Exhibitor agree to uphold the same standards for time, kindness, respect and inclusivity as the participants in this event. Parent / Guardian Signature