July 24 - 27 Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) BUY TICKETS Bacon Buddies Participant Registration Name(Required) First Last PhoneEmail(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Address Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code County Age Grade School GenderSelect...MaleFemaleT-Shirt Child SizeSelect...SMLXLT-Shirt Adult SizeSelect...SMLXLXXLSchool Hobbies/Interest Special Needs InformationNature of Disability Participant uses a...Select...WalkerWheelchairCrutchesNoneSeizuresSelect...YesNoDiabetesSelect...YesNoAllergies Parent/Legal Guardian Name(s) Address (if different from Show person) Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code Emergency Contact Emergency PhoneRelationship ConsentI am the parent/legal guardian of _____________________________________ (participant's first and last name) I verify my child meets the participation requirements (10 years of age or older and has and intellectual and/or developmental disability) and has my permission to participate in the Canyon County Fair Bacon Buddies Show. I understand the nature of the Bacon Buddies show and believe my child is qualified, in good health, and is mentally and physically able to participate. I fully accept and assume all risk and responsibilities for losses, cost, and/or damages my child may incur because of his/her participation. If I, or the Bacon Buddies show management, feel my child's participation is unsafe at any time, I agree my child will discontinue participation immediately. As a Canyon County Fair exhibitor, I hereby acknowledge that my child's photograph may be taken by the official Canyon County Fair photographer for use by the Canyon County Fair and agree to release and hold harmless the State of Idaho, Canyon County Fair, their officers, employees and agents and any and all parties whom this or any photograph may be released. This photograph was taken for artistic reasons or newsworthiness, and I agree that it may be released to any medium and may be used in any manner for any purpose whatsoever without compensation. I fully understand the animal project my child is working with is not my child's animal and he/she is expected to care for the animal with the utmost respect. It is understood and agreed that neither the State of Idaho nor the Canyon County Fair shall be liable for damages._________________________________________ (name of participant) does hereby release and hold harmless the State of Idaho, the Canyon County Fair; the Canyon County Fair Board; Special Olympics Idaho and their agents, officers and employees from any responsibility whatsoever resulting from or coming out of participation at the Canyon County Fair by I agree to the Liability WaiverParent / Legal Guardian Signature